Trainings & Certifications
Our certifying training sessions cover a large number of standards. The certification exams are organized at the end of the training sessions delivered by the affiliated training organism (OFA or ATC – Affiliated Training Centers). The training sessions are organized in two modules for each standard: the first module is called Foundation and the second module for practitioner or Auditor.
The combination of both modules allows the candidate to apply for the professional designation of “Lead Implementer” based on his level of competencies and experience. For full list of provided Training Courses and Certificates, please contact us.

Information Security
ISMS Foundation (ISO 27001)
ISMS Practitioner (ISO 27001)
ISMS Auditor (ISO 27001)
Information Technology
— Security Techniques
— Application Security
SMSA Foundation (ISO 27034)
SMSA Lead Implémenter (ISO 27034)
SMSA Lead Auditor (ISO 27034)
Risk Management
ISMS Risk Manager (ISO 27005)
EBIOS 2019 Risk Manager
The Principles and Guidelines for Risk Management
RM ISO 31000 Foundation
RM ISO 31000 Risk Manager
Data Protection
Data Protection Foundation
Data Protection Officer
SMVP ISO 27701 Foundation
SMVP ISO 27701 Lead Auditor
SMVP ISO 27701 Lead Implementer
Compliance Management
CM ISO 19600 Foundation
CM ISO 19600 Compliance Manager